Thursday, 16 January 2014

Cover Reveal

Hi everyone

A belated Happy New Year to you all.

2014 is going to be a very busy, yet wonderful year.

There is a lot going on this year with regards to my writing. In fact, so much that if I try to tell you about it all in one post, then you'll never get to the end.

So, I'll keep this short and sweet, for now, and tell you about my new book. It's called Forsaken, and is the final book in the Stealth trilogy. The manuscript is with my editor, and she is working on it as we speak. So hopefully the book will be with us very, very soon.

I will post sample chapters and the blurb on my website in the next week or two, so keep an eye out for that.

So, I want to show you the new cover. Apart from my editor, family and few close friends, you are the first to see it.

May I proudly present the cover for my new book Forsaken:

If you are curious about the two books that came before this one, you can see them on the sidebar over there ---------------------------->
Check them out.

It's demon season!

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